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Body Sensations

Sheila Unique

Pain-type Sensation in the knee
Pain-type Sensation in the knee

It was difficult to sit still in my meditation knowing my right hip was throbbing. Not only was it throbbing, I found I had little strength to hold myself up…or that’s what it felt like. Those pain-type sensations in my body were communicating something with me and they had my attention.


For me, my hips represent balance through forward action. I’m in the process of navigating through changes in my business and resistance is surfacing. It feels like one foot is stepping forward while the other foot wants to stay planted stuck where it is, resulting in the feeling of pain in the area of my hips.

Aware of what my physical body is communicating with me allows me the grace to keep moving forward knowing and trusting that the resistance in the form of energy is clearing making change easier to navigate through.


Think about your own life now. What are you struggling through or in conflict  with? Does it have to do with your business or career direction? Relationships at home? Is it financial in nature? Health crisis?

If struggling in life, how does that struggle express itself through our physical body? For example, we’re withdrawing emotionally at work because we think our co-workers are treating us unfairly. Physically, we notice our shoulders seem to be slouching forward as if we’re protecting our heart.


If we have conflict, how does the conflict manifest physically? For example, we want to save money for a well-deserved trip with our spouse and they keep spending the money on frivolous things. Physically we’re finding it harder to even talk openly with them and our throat seems to be a bit scratchy these days.

Here’s another example…one that’s very common. High blood pressure! When we mentally put pressure on ourselves to do…to get…to have…we cause our physical bodies to experience high blood pressure. Why? Let’s look at these examples. ‘I only need to bust my butt for another two weeks and then I’m done’ or ‘I have to hurry and get my to do list finished today before I even think of going to sleep.’ Putting that kind of pressure on ourselves causes us to emotionally feel stressed and the physical body responds accordingly with things like high blood pressure.


Whenever we’re struggling or in conflict in life we’ll be experiencing different sensations in our physical body. Those sensations inside, if serious enough get our attention.

The beautiful thing about our physical body is we take it with us everywhere we go, 24/7/365. It’s communicating with us all the time. The more we grow to be aware and understand what’s being expressed through our different aches, pains or ailments the more easily we experience healing beyond measure.

Why? Because inside of us we have our thoughts and feelings, both of which impact how the physical body responds. When we have negative type thoughts, they cause us to feel negative type emotions and our physical body responds negatively. When we’re aware of what’s going on inside we have the power to make changes directed more towards resolving and healing whatever is causing the negativity.


By the way…when I got up from my meditation that day, the pain I felt before I started was gone from my hip. I experience things like this with my physical body all the time. Aches and pains surface, I work with them and they disappear forever. It happens all because of the valuable communication our physical bodies have for us and that’s inherent within ourselves.

Wherever you are on your journey, may you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.

Sheila Unique, Emotional Intelligence Specialist

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@2025 Sheila Unique

Created by Sarah Kasleder at Media Vantage Point

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