My trip to India was very rewarding. The whole experience from booking my flights to arriving home offered me valuable life lessons! One such lesson had to do with intentions. I feel you may benefit from this sharing.
After booking my flights for two courses in India, the dates of my second course changed. This was an unexpected challenge. When I first found out I had two choices! I could pay the extra charges to change my flights or I could choose to miss the last two days! In July I chose to leave my flights as they were booked.
While at the Oneness University I was sharing how I would be missing the last two days. The office staff asked to review my flight times. They pointed out the day I was leaving meant I would be in fact missing the last 3 days of the course! I had made a mistake on the times of my initial return flight. The staff were questioning if I should attend the course or not! I was devastated!
Immediately I contacted my travel agent and she was telling me it could cost even more money and the travel times were more challenging because of my return being so close to Christmas.
Days went by and it wasn’t looking good for me. One reply from the travel agent said my extra costs were going to be over $700; another reply said I would have to be sitting for longer periods of time in airports. Yuk! My flights were already around 20 hours in the air!
Upset and frustrated with myself I brought the topic up with my fellow trainers in the course. The insights they shared were really helpful. One lady said to me, ‘Back in May 2015 when you first booked your flights to attend your course, you INTENDED to be present for the whole course, didn’t you?’ I replied saying that was always my intention! Those were the words I needed to go forward.
I shared with my Divine how it was always my full intention to attend the whole course and asked for the grace and miracles for this to happen! Every time I would feel upset because things weren’t working out as I planned…I talked with my Divine about my INTENTIONS. I could finally let it go. There was a shift in my perception and miracles were now in the works.
The next day my travel agent sent me a message sharing she had my flights changed with travel times the same as my original booking…only two days later. I paid a bit extra and celebrated the miracle that had taken place for me! If I may say…the last three days I spent in India were by far the most amazing experiences I have to date at the Oneness University. I was rewarded greatly through my learning and growing.
Intentions powerfully influence the outcome of any situation! Until I had that experience I wasn’t aware of what that really meant to me.
When you think of the things you do…what are your intentions when you set out to do something?
Life continues to offer us life lessons. How we move through those lessons makes all the difference.
May you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.
I wish you so much inner peace and joy as you journey into 2016.
Sheila Unique, The Relationship Coach