8 Week Series – Healing in Relationships of all Kinds – Group Style
facilitated by Sheila Unique, Relationship Coach/Spiritual Teacher
(Online Zoom) every Thursday beginning Sept 5, 2024 6:30-8:30pm
Who? If you’re struggling, unsettled, uncomfortable or have conflict in any relationship…to the point where it’s become so difficult to have peace inside when you think of them…and you’re open to experiencing a beautiful journey of discovery to heal inside …these sessions are for you.
(Struggling looks like confronting the same problems over and over with no change…arguments getting longer and louder…feeling like you’re losing yourself in your relationships)
It’s only through our relationships that we learn, grow, heal and evolve. Why? Because relationships are about connecting and those connections lead us into some kind of interaction between us and whatever the relationship is.
Even when we’re by ourselves, we’re doing things like fighting with our thoughts, questioning our choices or beating ourselves up for something we did or didn’t do. All of that happens so naturally inside. It’s part of being a human being…and that won’t be changing anytime soon. So how do we work with that? How do we find our way to learn, grow, heal and evolve? You’re invited to experience what that could be for you.
Healing? A simple definition of healing is the process of finding balance, making or becoming whole, sound or healthy again. We take something that’s not working well, is totally throwing us out of balance or has deteriorated and bring it back to health again.
(Healing does not mean we try changing and fixing others in our lives. The healing we’ll be experiencing takes place inside of us…it’s truly something for you to experience for yourself)
Relationships? We have relationships with everyone and everything in our lives including people and animate/inanimate objects. For example, our relationships with family, spouses, finances, employment, health, communication, etc. The most important relationship we have…and we’ll be focusing on, is the one we have with ourselves. We’re interacting all the time and how we relate makes all the difference.
“During the online sessions with Sheila I started to feel more relaxed and noticed that I was breathing a little deeper. I could also feel the tension in my neck and shoulders start to release” – March 2020
We’re either putting our energy towards fighting and battling in relationships or towards healing them! Some of our relationships are uplifting and others are problematic. We don’t always get to control what happens around us because life has a way of putting us in situations that don’t always feel good.
We attract that which we need to overcome or heal.
Problematic relationships continue to surface until we heal and resolve the unrest we’re feeling inside. That happens with a greater understanding and growing awareness of what’s both inside and outside of us.
We have a minimum of 16 hours together to question and challenge things like belief systems, boundaries, misunderstandings, misperceptions causing the struggle and conflict.
Healing has become so complicated that we don’t even know what it is to heal our physical body let alone healing in relationships. Take this time to understand what healing actually is and how we can bring about the changes we want in our lives.
Life involves relationships and we have no choice but to relate in our daily lives. In this 8-week series we’ll journey through eight different relationship groups offering us opportunities to move through the things we struggle with in our day-to-day lives.
Experience gaining inner strength and understanding…along with a new perspective on how to approach healing in relationships of all kinds.
You’re invited to experience what that could be for you.
A MINIMUM OF 16 HOURS focused on the following relationships with:
Wk 1 Family (birth, extended, blended, ancestors)
Wk 2 Friends
Wk 3 Spouse, Partner (past, present or future)
Wk 4 Co-Workers, Everyday People
Wk 5 Yourself – specifically your Body
Wk 6 Yourself – specifically your Five Senses
Wk 7 Yourself – specifically your Body Sensations/Life Experiences
Wk 8 Relationship to All and your Higher Self/Divine
Even though sessions are focusing on a certain topic…we’re healing relationships of all kinds. This means if you’re struggling with a health issue or facing a difficult decision in your life and need to deal with it…these sessions are about what you need to heal inside. There is absolutely room for flexibility always. Life continues to happen and we work with whatever surfaces…that’s the gift when it comes to healing and resolving everyday life problems in relationships. We have no idea what’s causing what.
What can you expect?
- safe environment for learning, growing and healing;
- ongoing support throughout the series;
- greater understanding of the dynamics in relationships;
- neutral perspective to what you’re dealing with;
- education related to relationships of all kinds; and
- discussion and topics are based on whatever the group is dealing with at the time.
Join us to experience healing in the relationships that matter most to you.
Online Zoom
Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30 Sask time, mst
Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24
Price $349
3 Step process to register:
1.Email your name to sunique@sasktel.net
2. Make payment by using paypal link below or e-transfer (sunique@sasktel.net)
3. Once registered, you’ll receive an email with the details for the series.
“Before the group session on Zoom, I felt all over the place, definitely not grounded, and anxious in general. As the meeting progressed, I felt much more grounded, and some of the weight was lifted off, and knowing that others are experiencing the same as I and together we can uphold each other. We are not alone. Afterwards, I felt protected, could take deeper breaths and had the sense that I would and will make it through this time of crisis and unknown. Words you shared have been very helpful to keep me in the present and make me count my blessings”. Susanne Reul-Zastre March 2020
Invest in Yourself
New to Group Sessions?
In these group sessions you can choose to be silent while listening and observing or share something you’re experiencing. All is welcome. Just by showing up, you’ll benefit from the healing and inner growth that takes place in each session. Each 2-hour live group session takes you on a journey inwardly to connect with how you’re feeling inside. Throughout the sessions you experience a sense of calm, control and restore your strength and energy. You have the opportunity to personally interact with Sheila as she works with you empowering you to gain clarity, focus and forward action. You also benefit from the work done with other members in the group as well. Experience gaining greater awareness and having a more empowering connection with yourself. The transformative power of these group sessions is something for you to experience for yourself.
The Impact
These amazing sessions not only benefits you, they also benefit and impact all your relationships. A transformative experience that gives you greater connection to yourself and others like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Heal and resolve the unrest you feel inside and establish a strong relationship with the most important person in your life….you.
Your Guide
Since 2003, Sheila Unique has facilitated group sessions providing a safe environment to learn, grow and heal. She’s a master at working with the invisible influences (thoughts, feelings/emotions and physical body sensations) that affect every relationship in our life. Her gentle approach along with her incredible insights bring relief quickly and easily without the long struggle of therapy and counseling. She guides you forward with greater understanding and awareness of the internal and external influences around you.
“I had never done a Zoom Session like this before. Now I had my feelings and technology to deal with!! I was elated that I could connect with Sheila and the group so easily – Thanks to Sheila. As we moved through the session I relaxed somewhat. I appreciated being able to see, hear and share with everyone. After the session I did not feel as exhausted as I thought I would; infact I felt like I Had energy! When I woke the next morning I felt “open”, less constrained. I could breathe more deeply than I had been with all this Virus concern around us.” – Calla-Dawn Brooks March 2020
If you’re ready to heal and resolve unrest in your relationships, register today.