Boxing Day 2011 brought about an interesting revelation. We were at my parents place visiting with the family. Towards the end of the day, I started to notice how I was bothered about my dad smoking so much. I caught myself paying so much attention to his smoking – where he was blowing his smoke, the direction the smoke was going while it sat in the ashtray, what I was going to smell like…on and on. I was literally caught up in something that did not feel good at all. I knew I wasn’t at peace about something. Sure enough – a huge gift in that messenger, smoking!!!
I got so caught up in all the stuff about my dad and his smoking that I literally lost focus of what we were doing together as a family.
I used to talk about how smoking creates an energetic screen around the person smoking. As they smoke, a screen is there making it hard to see things clearly about themselves. This is what I saw in the revelation. The screen goes both ways! If my dad is creating a so called screen with his smoking, if I have an issue with his smoking then I am creating a screen in how I am seeing him. Am I seeing him for who he is or am I seeing him as someone with all kinds of bad habits? When I cleared my energy around my issue with smoking…clearing PAST his smoking…all I saw was this perfect dad who like everyone else only wants to love and be loved in return. What a huge gift he gave me. I for sure see smoking very differently now.
When you think back to the past week over the Christmas season, what was something that caused you to be bothered? My issue had to do with smoking…was there something that caused you to be bothered creating a screen for you? It could have been different habits that you may find offensive, like drinking, overeating, drugs, etc; different things, like not getting presents from your parents, your family not showing up for supper or how no one helped you clean up. Instead of the word smoking, substitute the something you got caught up in, which took you to a place of not feeling good.
When you look PAST the something you got caught up in, what is left?
Francie says
Shelia… my dad smokes. Last year at this time I spent time with both my mom (does not smoke) and my dad. I was so interested to spend time with him and learn about my family / his family, I sat with him learning and listening. It was amazing time for both of us. Thankfully he is still here…and yes he still smokes. Yet I was grateful for the time we were able to sit together.
Sheila Unique says
I sure learned a lot from the experience Francie…like you, I started to see what was really important. I’m grateful my parents are still around as well. Thanks so much for sharing.