Think about being in a place where you don’t like something and it bothers you. Maybe you don’t like when people don’t seem to be hearing you…you don’t like making payments to your lawyer…you don’t like negative people. When you don’t like something, does it magically go away where you don’t have to see it again? When you don’t like someone, do they magically go away where you don’t have to be with them anymore? When you don’t like a situation, does it magically right itself and everything is great once again? Is any of that even possible? You bet it is 100% possible for you.
What purpose do those ‘things you don’t like’ have for you? What purpose do the people, things and situations in your life serve?
Consider this…everything that bothers you in your life is there for your learning and growing. Your life lessons are for your learning and growing. As you become aware of the purpose those lessons serve, you are on your way to feeling more empowered. It’s like you start to ‘work with it’ as opposed to ‘work against it’. Life is magical. The Universe is always working for you. Your lessons in life will unfold for you in magical ways….ways that only the Universe could create specifically for you (no one else).
Is it about ‘changing’ everything till you like it…that could take forever!!! Is it about energetically clearing the ‘reactions’ in whatever it is you don’t like…allowing everything to ‘just be’. May be worth a try….brings about immediate changes in your reactions!
What results, is you now come from a place where you no longer react like you do…and everything magically ‘rights’ itself. You bet it is 100% possible for you!
Where can you go from here?
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