So many times life gives you messages to help you learn and grow. It’s not always obvious what those messages are about. I’d like to share an example of a problem I experienced and how that problem gave me wonderful messages.
For the last two weeks my computer had been doing weird things. When working with emails, I clicked on the reply key. Instead of moving the message onto the screen to reply, it booted the message down into the draft stage. When I deleted one message, it deleted 3 or 4 of them. When performing the copy and paste feature the computer couldn’t do it. All of this got to be very aggravating.
Someone had mentioned the battery for the mouse may need to be changed. I did that and my attempt to fix the problem didn’t work.
The computer went in to be serviced. They found the problem. The clicker in the mouse was worn out. After how many years of using that same mouse I now needed a new one.
Something I thought was the problem was not the problem at all. Something I thought was going to cost me a lot of money to fix turned out to cost me less than $80. This whole experience blessed me with a gift.
How can you take a problem and turn it into a gift? When you have problems, those problems are opportunities for you to learn and grow. This doesn’t mean you have to like your problems. Not at all! As a matter of fact, you won’t initially see problems as opportunities because of the thoughts and emotions which accompany the problems.
In the problem stage, thoughts and emotions express themselves as reactions. Reactions cloud the mind and distort your perception. The most beautiful thing about reactions is this. Reactions show you there is unrest inside. Until you react you may have no idea of the unrest. Those reactions are not meant to be used to beat your self up. They surface as guidance for you to learn and grow.
You have the power to work with your reactions. The moment reactions surface pay attention to what’s going on inside and outside of you. Having that awareness leads you to find a resolution. You will know you have resolved your problem when you experience a shift in your perception. That shift takes something perceived as a problem and turns it into a gift.
Let’s go back to the example of my experience and I can explain further.
After being aware my computer wasn’t working properly, I did what I could to resolve the problem. The problem wasn’t resolved causing me to feel aggravated. I noticed my aggravation mostly had to do with disempowerment which clouded my perception. When I took action and had the problem looked at by a computer expert the real source of the problem was identified and resolved.
Throughout that process I experienced quite a shift inside myself. Within days after getting the computer home I could see how the Universe blessed me with a gift!
The computer and the mouse had wonderful messages for sharing.
Firstly, is the problem really the problem? Focusing on the computer didn’t help me consider how the mouse was influencing this problem! Think about your life. How many times do you focus on what you perceive is the problem and it isn’t the problem?
Secondly, the mouse represents thoughts and the computer represents the physical body. The thoughts ‘control’ the input and direction of the physical body. The physical body is impacted by your input…in whatever form you use. Again think of your life. How many times do your thoughts mislead you around what the problem really is about?
Here are some examples…..
- You have back pain. You look to your back as the problem;
- Your hips burn. You think your hips are giving out due to your age;
- You can’t lose weight. You look for another diet to try;
- Your parents make you mad. You look to your parents to change;
- You’re depressed. You think the medication isn’t working;
Those are just a few examples of how you can get caught up in what you think or perceive is the problem. It happens very innocently! Yet what thoughts and emotions keep the problem going? Have you ever thought about that?
What you are thinking and feeling does impact relationships of all kinds. Thoughts and emotions also impact your physical body and overall health. It is a fact when problems are resolved causing a shift in your thoughts, emotions and your energy the physical body will immediately ‘right’ itself.
I just got back from a 9 day retreat in Hawaii. The experience of the computer and mouse was very timely for me. Timely in that it reminded me to be very conscious of my thoughts and how those thoughts influence the running of my inner ‘computer.’
Everything you experience in life offers you much learning and growing. You learn about what you like and don’t like. You learn about what works and doesn’t work. You learn what you react to and what you are at peace with. Until you have any experience you can’t know what the learning will be for you.
What kinds of problems are you experiencing these days? I invite you to consider the learning and growing element throughout the process. You will see your gifts.
Wherever you are on your journey, may you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.
Sheila Unique, Relationship and Self Empowerment Expert!