Every day I see the unfolding of perfection! All of the situations in my life are being created for my own inner healing. Can you see how everything in your life is aligning perfectly for your own inner healing?
You bet there are times when things don’t feel so great, like maybe losing a friend or you don’t have enough money to pay your bills this month…and then there are times where you wonder how things come together so perfectly – almost effortless. Allow me to share this example of what I’ve experienced and how it may open the door for insights into what may be taking place for you.
Sharon and I did our live radio show on blogtalkradio the other day. We had a few minutes before the show and Sharon was telling me about her drive home from out of town, the night before. She was concerned about driving on the highway, in the dark, while it was raining. Sure enough just out of the city she was leaving, there was a coyote standing in the middle of the road. She hit her brakes and the coyote managed to move off the highway without any problems. She said in that moment she got to pay attention because there was 2 hours ahead of her…wake up!
We were chatting a little bit about how we ask the divine for help driving at night. I asked Sharon what was her message with the coyote? She commented that she had to look in the book to see what the message is for coyotes. I said, ‘what if your message was as simple as, ‘pay attention because there was 2 hours ahead of you…wake up!’ In that moment I was very aware that there was learning for both of us.
Sharon started to see how easy it is to give our power, our own inner knowing over to others, doesn’t matter who it is. For her, she got her message and was very aware of what it meant to her. I came along and in asking her, it brought up something for her about looking outside of her to see how she is wrong. There was so much healing for her – and yes….all of this before the radio show even started.
Now what does that have to do with me? Through being with Sharon that morning, I could see how there are times when I do the same. Sharon was a perfect messenger for me – not only to see how I need to look inside for my own insights…but also for me to appreciate and accept that in others. On my journey, that is something I’m learning and growing through. Life is a process and I’m so grateful to have someone like Sharon to learn with.
Are you in a place where you are resolving issues around controlling or accepting and allowing? The most important part is being AWARE. When you are aware that you are controlling others, just acknowledge that because it is in that moment where you start to see how your habits and patterns come to life. From there…the healing takes place.
If I could also add, just because someone says something, does not make it a global truth for every single person on the planet. Be with what feels right for you.
Sheila Unique