As we head into 2017, I invite you to do some soul searching. I invite you to question in your own heart information you have come to ‘know’ about things like your health, relationships and even finances. What prompted this?
So many of my clients have been stepping forward talking about different medical tests they have had and the results that surprised them. For example, last week one lady went through a procedure where they scoped her stomach. The procedure took only a few minutes and the most amazing thing about it was she got pictures of her esophagus, stomach and duodenum. These parts looked healthy and strong. The doctor was pleased. When the lady was sharing her pictures she made the comment about how pink and healthy everything looked, even though she smokes. Another client was talking about all the ongoing issues she’s had with her gallbladder. Her last gallbladder attack put her in the hospital where she thought for sure she would be having her gallbladder removed. To her surprise, the medical team told her she only had an infection and because the gallbladder wasn’t swollen at all they weren’t going to remove it! Another client has what could be explained as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Whenever he is stressed and worried about something, he has so many bowels movements. As soon as he eats he’s in the washroom a numbers of times in a day. That’s whenever he eats. This gentleman went for colonoscopy. To his surprise the inside of his bowels were a bright pink! He was told there was nothing wrong with his bowels. All of these people thought something was really wrong with their body parts. Back and forth to the doctors they would go. Could you imagine what must have been going through their minds to learn there wasn’t anything wrong with their physical parts? Are you in a place where you know something is ‘wrong’ about your physical body, people or situations in your life? Maybe you know something is wrong with your stomach. Maybe you know that person is wrong for your son/daughter. Maybe you know your aging parents are in the wrong place. Are they really wrong? I invite you to consider this. What you perceive is painful may not be what you have come to ‘know’ it is. You may think pain is physical indicating something is really wrong….is it? There are so many times I work with people who come to a session with pain in their physical body. When they leave that pain is gone! Pain is not only physical! Pain is preceded by a thought…and that thought involves mental and emotional pain which can manifest in the physical body as pain. Given the right tools, any pain can be brought to a state of calm and healing. Are things as bad as you think they are? This year I invite you to really question what you think you ‘know’ about something. I’m talking in all areas of your life. Where you think something isn’t right or not good for you and even the others in your life…I invite you to step back and re-visit your perceptions. Like others in my life, you may be pleasantly surprised to find what you came to know as being true isn’t true at all. Life becomes a little more interesting every new day. May you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside. Sheila Unique, Trainer & Speaker |
Living ‘your way’!
When someone says we are ‘living’ our life ‘wrong’ they are implying there was a right way to living our life in the first place.’ This insight came to me the other day when the word ‘wrong’ popped into my mind.
When I talk about someone saying we are living our life wrong…I’m talking about those people in our life who are saying we should be doing this or we need to be doing that…we need to take that course or get this job….we need to say this and don’t say that….on the examples go. Those people are speaking from a place where they know better than we do. So many times this pattern is part of conditioning of some kind.
The conditioning I experienced was this kind of thing….I learned that no matter what I did, if it didn’t work out or there wasn’t some kind of award, it wasn’t good enough period. Conditioning then goes into adulthood where I would do the same to others. What I have experienced is not only was I doing that to the people around me….I was doing it to myself. As I become quiet inside of myself…I am hearing how the mind is commenting on the ‘should have done this and that’ kind of thing. There is judgment of some kind whether I’m are saying it to someone else or to my self. Becoming aware of what is taking place around all of this opens the door to more healing.
When we hear the word ‘wrong’ we may perceive there is an implication of ‘right’. In life there is no right or wrong way of living….there is only your way.